Furnace Repair vs. Replacement: Making the Right Decision

A warm and cozy home during the chilly months is a comforting retreat. At the heart of that comfort lies a well-functioning furnace. We often take this vital appliance for granted until it starts showing signs of wear and tear. As the temperature drops, the last thing you want is to be left shivering due to a malfunctioning furnace.

So the question remains: should you repair or replace your furnace? Recognizing the warning signs early on can save you from a chilly household and unexpected breakdowns.

Trust us, we know at Rockson & Sons. We've got decades of furnace repair in Langley, BC and in the lower mainland.

In this blog, we will delve into the crucial role a furnace plays in keeping your home comfortable and explore the telltale signs that indicate your furnace may be in distress. From strange noises and uneven heating to soaring energy bills, being aware of these red flags can help you take timely action. But, when is it the right time to repair your furnace, and when should you consider a replacement? That's where we come in to guide you through this decision-making process.

With our expert advice, you'll gain insights into the benefits and drawbacks of furnace repair versus replacement. We'll help you weigh the costs, energy efficiency, environmental impact, and long-term reliability to make an informed choice. Embrace the warmth and peace of mind that comes with a well-maintained furnace, as we embark on this journey of discovering the best course of action for your home's heating needs.

What are the Telltale Signs of Furnace Problems?

Should I replace or repair my furnace

Strange Noises, Rattles, Sounds & Lack of Heat

As the winter season approaches, keeping a vigilant eye on your furnace is crucial. Your furnace often communicates its distress through various warning signs. One of the most obvious indicators is unusual noises emanating from the unit. Clanks, bangs, rattles, or squeaks could indicate loose or broken components that need immediate attention. Moreover, if you notice inconsistent heating throughout your home or cold spots in certain rooms, it might be time to investigate further.

Identifying repairable issues versus irreparable ones

Facing furnace issues can be perplexing for the average homeowner, especially when trying to determine if the problem can be repaired or if it's time for a furnace replacement.

Some problems, like a clogged air filter, faulty thermostat, or minor electrical issues, can often be remedied quickly by professional repairs. However, certain issues, such as a cracked heat exchanger, or a broken furnace blower motor may be beyond repair and require a full replacement. Ignoring these irreparable issues could lead to more extensive damage and put your safety at risk.

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Can a Furnace Be Repaired?

What is furnace repair

The good news is yes, it can be repaired.

Furnace repair is the preferred option in several scenarios. If your furnace is relatively new and has not shown consistent issues, repair can resolve problems effectively. Additionally, if the cost of repairs is much lower than the price of a new unit, repair becomes an obvious choice. Upgrading individual components or fixing minor issues can maintain the current furnace part's efficiency and performance, ensuring it operates at its best for years to come.

Should I Repair or Replace My Furnace?

The decision on whether to replace your furnace or repair it comes down to budget and what's the most cost-effective. However, if your furnace is emitting dangerous carbon monoxide, it needs to be replaced ASAP. You don't want your furnace to become a health or fire hazard. Make sure to watch out for the following signs:

  • Rusty pipes
  • A yellow burner flame
  • Excess moisture on windows
  • Soot around furnace
  • No upward draft in the chimney
  • Flu-like symptoms: headaches & nausea

Most experts say that if the repair cost exceeds 50% of the cost of a new furnace, then replacing your furnace is the better option. New furnaces in Canada cost in the range of $2,000 - $7,000. The cost ranges depending on the unit and if it's an efficient furnace:

  • Oil Furnace: $3,000 - $7,000
  • Gas Furnace: $2,000 - $5,000
  • Electric furnace: $2,000 - $5,000

Your heating system should last approximately 15-30 years. After 15 years, furnaces tend to need more frequent repairs and furnace maintenance. You may also see an increase in your energy bills if repairs or furnace replacement is overdue. However, you must find the right plumber in your area to get your furnace checked and then make a decision.

Meet Your Furnace Repair Langley Experts: Rockson & Sons

Who to call for furnace repair Langley

At Rockson & Sons, we are your trusted furnace repair Langley experts offering all kind of heating repair and replacement services. Our team of certified HVAC technicians is equipped to tackle any furnace issue, from minor glitches to major repairs.

From Your Furnace Blower Motor to a Heat Exchanger…

No amount of furnace repairs is too complex for us to handle. Our experts at Rockson & Sons are well-versed in diagnosing and fixing a wide range of furnace problems efficiently and effectively. From fixing small plumbing issues to hot water tank repair or replacement, Rockson & Sons does everything.

Connect with Rockson & Sons For your Furnace Repair & Maintenance Needs

Fall & Winter is just around the corner, and now is the perfect time to have your furnace inspected and serviced. Contact Rockson & Sons today to schedule a comprehensive furnace check-up or address any repair concerns. Keep your home warm and comfortable for your family all year long!

Table Of Contents

Frequetly Asked Questions

If your furnace is running but not producing heat, several issues could be at play. It could be a problem with the thermostat, a faulty pilot light or ignition system, a malfunctioning flame sensor, a worn blower motor, or a tripped circuit breaker. It's essential to turn off the furnace and seek professional assistance to diagnose and fix the issue. Attempting to troubleshoot or repair such problems without proper knowledge and tools can be dangerous and may further damage your furnace.

The average life expectancy of a furnace is typically around 15 to 20 years. This can vary based on factors such as maintenance, usage patterns, and the overall quality of the unit.

While a well-maintained furnace may continue to function efficiently beyond 15 years, it's essential to consider the frequency of repairs and declining energy efficiency. If you're noticing higher heating bills than usual or if your old furnace has frequently high repair costs, it might be a good time to start considering a replacement to avoid unexpected breakdowns during the colder months. The replacement cost will likely be more cost-effective in the long run, saving you from high energy bills.

The cost of heating repair can vary a lot depending on the type of unit (natural gas, oil, electric) and the extent of the problem.

Some of the most expensive repairs include fixing a cracked heat exchanger, replacing a faulty furnace blower motor, or repairing a damaged circuit board. These repairs can be significant. In some cases, it may be more cost-effective to consider furnace replacement, especially if the unit is nearing the end of its lifespan.

The most common oil and gas furnace problems include a malfunctioning thermostat, clogged filters, ignition or pilot light issues, and problems with the heat blower motor.

These issues can lead to reduced heating efficiency, uneven temperature distribution, or even complete furnace failure. Regular maintenance and timely repairs can help prevent these problems and ensure your furnace operates smoothly throughout the heating season.